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SHRM India Annual Conference, June 29th – 30th June, 2016, Delhi NCR

The SHRM India Annual Conference is the fastest growing and most talked about HR event in Indian region and support and encouragement continues this upward swing every year. The 5th SHRM India Annual Conference and Exposition is scheduled on June 29th – 30th June, 2016 in Delhi NCR.The Conference brings together thought leaders from across the globe to lend their insights, talk about best practices and highlight tools that will give an edge to the HR practitioner’.

SHRM has the single largest repository of HR knowledge on the planet comprising of cutting-edge research, rich content and thought leadership. SHRM, has been conducting the largest and most enriching HR events attended by over 15,000 HR professionals annually from over 70 countries globally.

Krya Screening team is proud to be among the noteworthy, influential, challenging and provocative leaders of the industry and we cherish the opportunity of meeting them all.

Join the Krya Screening Team at SHRM IAC’16 to find about more on Employee Screening and Verification.