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Krya Screening follows a remarkable strategy and the best path for verifying the right resource for the Customer.

About Client

They are experts in collections and contact centre outsourcing solutions. They use next-generation technologies to create customized accounts-receivable management, and call centre solutions that meet unique customer relationship needs while growing the bottom line.


Absenteeism is a heavy burden on employers, especially small businesses, where there are fewer resources available to fill in for the absentee. It often results in decreased output, poor performance, and reduced profits for the company, which has chronic high absenteeism.


One of the early findings of the implementation of a drug-testing program was the decrease in absenteeism. The perfect example is of an employee who does not “call in sick” on Mondays. Employees using illicit drugs or abusing prescription drugs are less productive, tend to miss work more often, may steal from the company, and are prone to more accidents. Companies reporting low absenteeism rates (0-15%) increased by 5% after implementing the drug-testing program.

Having a policy for a drug-free workplace is beneficial as drug testing can play an important role. Training is necessary for Supervisors charged with enforcing drug-testing policies to identify signs and behavior that indicate employee intoxication and substance abuse.

The results strongly suggest that when absenteeism is greater than 15%, a significant portion of this absenteeism relates to drug use/abuse and that the implementation of a drug-testing program significantly affects absenteeism. Any organization can control the turnover of the workforce, which is a timely and costly component by hiring a worker with good qualities. When workers are drug-free and do not have drug abuse behaviors, it results in high turnover.

The industry has developed reliable instant drug-testing devices for testing urine. Therefore, in the study, we asked to know if companies were moving away from off-site laboratory-based testing and moving toward in-house instant testing. There are higher costs associated with employees going for drug tests off-site, traveling time, waiting for the results, and other associated costs. It is surprising, as the availability and interest in on-site instant drug testing devices (urine and saliva) have been steadily increasing.


The Human Resource professionals surveyed/perceived a positive impact on four areas in the workplace: productivity, attendance, workers compensation incidence rates, and employee turnover. Productivity is a difficult metric to gauge, but it links with attendance, accidents, and employee turnover. Higher levels of absenteeism or accidents can be the cause of overall lower productivity in the workplace. Because of this, the company spends on compensating for attendance, accidents, and employee turnover and not on producing products or services. In our study, nearly one-fifth (19%) of the Human Resource professionals reported a perceived increase in productivity after the implementation of the drug-testing program. We can relate it to a more stable workforce and employee energy directed to specific job performance. Put into financial terms, this could result in increased profits with the same employees, an important consideration, in the current economic slowdown.


We help our clients by conducting background verification for their new hires. It helps them to evaluate and decide without any hesitation. We are so dedicated to helping our clients that we have taken the process of virtual/online screening process. We have also designed an app for field executives to verify the address following the Government’s rules during this lockdown.

Krya Screening follows a remarkable strategy and the best path for verifying the right resource for the client. We have taken steps and developed an online portal and an app to use during this pandemic situation.

About Client

Our client is one of the leading billing firms with branches all over India. They offer a host of services that are cost-effective, secure, accurate, complete the work within TAT with experienced staff to doctors, hospitals, and medical billing companies overseas.


The client was performing the employment screening process with a different vendor, who was struggling to get the verification done due to COVID-19. They approached us and inquired about the services from Krya Screening. We informed them that we are continuing the BGV with new measures due to COVID-19. We explained the digital verification process and the application we have created to verify the address by maintaining social distancing. After listening to the new BGV process, the client gladly handed over the verification of all the new hires to us.


We provided a digital package to the client. We give them access to our portal through a login and password. The client/candidate can upload the documents that are necessary to complete the verification. The client can log in and find out the status of each candidate.

We also have an app for address verification. The field executive uses the GPS facility in the app to verify the address by maintaining social distancing. As the work is digital, we complete it within TAT, which is three or four days.


The client was delighted to get the BGV done during the pandemic situation and that too within TAT. They have decided that this is a better solution for their organization and have handed over their entire verification needs to us.

Supporting Visuals or Quotes

Krya Screening has dedicated itself to help the clients by providing in-depth, accurate information that will assist them in their hiring decisions. To keep up the work, we have a dedicated team of software developers who came up with excellent software solutions to complete the verification while maintaining social distancing as per Government norms.