
Why should an organization conduct a background check?

Businesses are utilizing employee screening services to avoid the financial and legal nightmares that come from hiring a person with criminal records, falsified credentials, or some other issues that make him/her dangerous, unqualified, or unfit for the position. Employee background screening promotes a safe and profitable workplace. Employment screening is not a sign of mistrust or an invasion of privacy, but rather a significant step towards protecting your company from the risks associated with wrong hiring. Background checks help employers:

To discourage inappropriate and unqualified applicants.

To demonstrate due diligence in the hiring process.

To save time and money spent on recruiting and training ‘bad’ hires.

To eliminate workplace violence, theft and other loss that may cause negative publicity.

To encourage applicants to be honest and truthful while submitting their credentials.

What does a typical background check reveal?

Usually, a background check is to verify whether or not the applicant is truthful about their criminal record, educational degrees, employment history, including actual and reported dates of employment, job titles, etc. A background check will probe for any discrepancies between claims of a candidate and information reports by independent sources such as court records, previous employers, universities, boards and government agencies.

Depending upon the client’s preferences and objectives the background check can be as comprehensive as checking criminal records, verifying past employments (gaps in resumes), educational qualifications, professional reference, place of residence, identity, database checks, and substance abuse screening through Drug Testing. Mostly the candidates furnish false information in the employment history category, which may include the period of employment or the company, or telephone numbers of the previous workplace turn out to be bogus, as the telephone numbers are not reachable. The company’s management may deny the fact that the candidate ever worked in their organization.

Do I need an applicant’s authorization to conduct a background check?

As required by law, the employer has to make certain disclosures to the applicant regarding this screening process and get an authorization to search various sources of information. Also, the employer needs to obtain written or electronic consent from the person before a third-party screening company conducts any criminal record verification, reference check, education, and employment history check.

How long does a background check usually take?

The verifications conducted in the background screening process, searching criminal records in the particular jurisdictional area, insufficient details furnished by the candidate and several other factors like holidays, etc. can affect the TAT (Turn Around Time). Many searches might take only minutes or hours, and some may take days or even weeks. In our experience, the average check takes approximately 10-15 working days for completion. At Krya Screening, we will make sure our clients receive constant background check updates and have access to interim reports regularly.

What extra steps does Krya Screening take to assure the quality of the results?

Partial verification: The verification process starts immediately as soon as we receive the case file, even if data is insufficient, unlike our competitors, who don't initiate the cases unless they have cleared all insufficiencies.

Multiple Attempts for Component Closure: Unlike the competition, where checks like Employment Verification are closed after three attempts as "UTV, Unable to Verify." The Krya Screening team makes multiple attempts to "Close" the verification, as reports submitted as UTV does not serve the end-purpose of conducting Background Verification.

Address Verification: In the final report, we provide as annexure photographs of the Location / Premise / Main Door / Name Plate, etc., along with the Address Verification Form filled up at the site. Also, we conduct regular audits directly with the employees for Address verifications.

Hygiene Check/Due-Diligence: SLA in place with all business partners. Regular and surprise audit of partners by sharing random fake cases.

Comprehensive Criminal Record Verification: A first of its kind in India. In this component, we cross-check the candidate’s criminal background with local police, local court and online civil and criminal court records, including the Honorable Supreme Court of India.

How does Krya Screening deliver reports and in which format?

Krya Screening's internal Quality Assurance and Compliance Team provides you with an accurate and high-quality background verification report which adheres to stringent industry standards. The online system exclusively accessible and available to the clients contains a clear and complete description of the candidate in the PDF format. The candidate’s summary contains all the instructions given by the client, alongside the candidate’s details. We label each report with a Unique Account Number; add individual verification sections, along with the status and detailed information. We use four-color codes while closing the cases. Green signifies verifications with no flaws, Yellow denotes minor differences, while Red indicates critical discrepancies, and Orange represents “Unable To Verify.” Also, Krya Screening provides additional attachments like written authentications received from sources during reference verification.

What practices does Krya Screening adopt to keep the data secure?

Krya Screening ensures the Physical and Information Security of the facility and our processes by strict monitoring and adheres to ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standards. We monitor physical access to the system, and some resources are accessible only to authorized individuals. As part of our overall security controls, we restrict physical access and data access within the premises and in virtual spaces for protecting the confidentiality and privacy of the systems and candidate information used by Krya Screening while processing the background checks of the customers. After all the verifications have been completed, and once the client ends the screening process, Krya Screening secures the generated reports and the final assessment results along with all details of the candidate following the pre-defined Service Level Agreement signed with the customer.