In recent times, background screening has become an integral part of the hiring process. In this blog posting, we are trying to capture the Indian view of the background verification industry and the importance it bears in the employment process.
Many organizations face severe issues and financial losses due to a bad hire. Most of the organizations in India have their client based in other countries, and their projects are purely international. Background verification checks are mandatory in some of the multi-national companies, as they have faced a lot of crisis due to a bad hire even at the CXO level. Few Indian companies are conducting their business via B2B websites too. When it comes to B2B, they hardly know about the company, and their employees and hence background verification services play a significant role when an organization conducts its business via websites. When an organization wants to achieve its goal quickly, they should make a smarter decision when choosing a background verification company
Why do organizations need to perform background verification checks on every candidate they hire? There could be various reasons for conducting background verifications, but we have listed out some critical factors in this article.
Most of the organizations want to make sure that the job applicant is telling the truth. According to industry estimates, over 60% of resumes can contain false or tweaked information. In such cases, the employers want to ensure that the details the candidate mentioned in the interview or the profile is authentic. The employer may perform a background check to ascertain, whether the job applicant graduated from the college, whether s/he worked at the organizations stated as per the work history mentioned in his/her resume.
Most of the background verification services include the below checks, and we can customize them according to the requirements of the companies and industry verticals.
Many international organizations, when hiring a candidate from India, do a lot of background screening like checking if the certificate is authentic, whether the candidate has an enormous credit outstanding from banks, and their criminal records too. Background verification services have been in India for a long time. Today, even small and medium-sized companies have started conducting Background Checks for their employees.
Across India, background verification providers are working overtime to satisfy the needs of their clients, spread across several industry sectors. We, at Krya Screening, have a strong and long-term commitment to set the highest standard for the safety and security of these organizations that are looking for Background Verification Services. Contact us for more details regarding Background Verification Services.
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on Sat, 06 Jun, 2020 05:27 said:
This blog is useful for us
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